• What questions do you have about your internship?
- I have no further questions regarding my duties for internship since the last post. Everything about my internship has been fairly thought out. 
  • What connections can you make between this internship and what you've done in school?
- My mentor really likes creating benchmarks for short, medium, and long term goals for what ever project she is doing, or assigning someone else to do so there is no confusion as to what you're supposed to be doing. 
  • Has anything happened that's worth telling us about? Funny stories? 
- Mrs. Beth needed a band to play for one of her events at Petco Park. So she turned to myself and asked if my band would play. I was happy to oblige and so was my singer, but my guitarists had other duties they needed to attend to, so Preston Royal and my little brother sat in and played 7 songs live with us. It was one of my favorite gigs that I have played. 
  • What have you learned about your organization's mission and purpose?
- Nothing new since the last time I wrote about it. 
  • What new skills are you developing (or will you need to develop) for this internship?
- Im learning how to handle "rowdy" people because my mentor has to deal with them all of the time. So through watching how she handles them, I'm learning how to do the same. 

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